How to play Flickboards

First to 5 wins!

Two players take turns flicking a game chip across the playing field into the other player's end zone. The first player to score 5 times wins!


1. Begin with Player 1 flicking a game chip from anywhere behind their 35-yard line toward Player 2's end zone.

2. Player 2 then takes a turn from wherever the game chip came to rest.

3. If the chip crosses the opponent's goal line on the kickoff, it is a "Touchback," and the opposing player begins again with the chip from anywhere behind their own 25-yard line.

4. If the game chip leaves the board or comes to rest anywhere other than the playing field, it is a penalty. (See penalties below)

5. Play continues with the players alternating turns, getting one flick of the game chip until either player scores.

6. The player that scores then kicks off again.

7. The player to score 5 times wins!

Harder than it looks!

The game chip must just break the opponent's white goal line to score while remaining flat against the game field and not jumping the goal line barriers. If the chip jumps over and into the end zone it is a penalty. (See penalties below)

Keep the chip on the board!

If the game chip leaves the board or comes to rest anywhere other than the playing field, including leaning against or on the game board edge or goal line barriers, it is a penalty. The opposing player then receives two consecutive flicks of the game chip starting from where the game chip left the game field.

More ways to play!

For more skilled players, add these rules to the above... Whenever the game chip hits a peg, it becomes the opposing player's turn and they are awarded two flicks from where the game chip came to rest.

If the game chip first hits a peg and then comes to rest in the opponent's end zone, it is still a Touchdown.