Flickboards Friday: Game 1

The First FLICKBOARDS FRIDAY game of 2023 is in the books!

GAME 1: Brady Braunschweig vs. Jim Braunschweig
It was an extremely close matchup, but check out the video to see who came out on top!

If you're new to Flickboards, and wondering how the game is played - this video will pretty much show you how!

Also, here's a little more info about this week's competitors...

Brady is Jim's son who served as the inspiration for Flickboards, while Jim is the Founder and Inventor of the game. Learn more about how Flickboards began here: https://flickboards.com/pages/our-story

Finally, a special thank you to Jim's daughter, Ellie, for helping shoot the additional camera angles! Not bad for a 9-year-old.
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